Proverbs 31:27

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Whatcha been up to? (forget the dangling prepositions and read it as the common greeting that it is)

Well, got the computers moved and online downstairs. Hubby cleaned up the construction zone and we moved downstairs. Still moving the kitchen and misc. that is in the way. Won't be moving the bedrooms, at least not yet. It is so wonderful to see the sun and feel so much better and organize and get rid of the last of the stuff we don't use!!

Hubby started on the room upstairs and hopefully by tonight will finish framing in the room and closet. Then it's just drywall, painting, carpeting, and the final touches, oh, and the tiling. The other night I helped with stuff in the basement: too cold, too tired, but I helped! Things are really starting to pull together and looking closer to being done!

Ok, just wanted to update, not that you'd really notice. So are you gonna leave a comment already? I'm waiting. Oh, well...I enjoy having one-sided conversations, I always can give my opinions and know I am right...of course, I'm right! See, I can be my own "yes man"! :)

Ok, all you alls. I'll just get back to my busy schedule-which none of you can match!! I can think of ONLY one other homeschool mom that probably does, if not as much, more than I do! If you think you come close: LEAVE A COMMENT! Otherwise, quit your fussing like a little baby and learn from the pros!!

Toodles *worms.

*Taming of the Shrew, William Shakespeare


Anonymous said...

Hello... this is a comment/question as requested! If it isn't too much trouble, it would be so fun to see the finished "wedding" outfits that you made and arranged. Since we enjoy your knitting, so also your sewing!

Have fun in your "new" kitchen!
another homeschooling mom...who makes no claim to your level of busy-ness! :)

~Tonia~ said...

Glad to hear that you all are making more progress on the house. So what else have you been up to? ;)

BellaMama said...

chriscgirl: I would love to show the dresses, but that's for when I put pics up again...when the dust settles a little here (actually).
~Tonia~: I've been busy with the everyday here, homeschooling 5 of the 6 children and watching the newly walking baby, normal cleaning, cooking (don't eat out and don't eat processed foods-no frozen food section no "mac'n'cheese"), regular child training, business for hubby. Above and beyond regular-we're in the middle of renovating our house to go from a 3 bedroom 2 bath to a 5 bedroom 3 bath, new carpet, painting, tiling, all new bathroom, all new side entry, and that's just until we finish those things. There may be new windows and siding as well. While hubby works on the new bedroom upstairs, we are downstairs semi-packing, semi-organizing and mostly staying during the day while taking care of the regular stuff. Life is truly upside-down and not the norm most women have to go through.

Thanks for the comments!

Anonymous said...

In all that you do, do as unto the LORD....

BellaMama said...

I agree with Anon. even though it is not the topic (straw man arguement). I will refer to the verse that will clarify my post:

"Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates." Proverb 31:31

This is my "gateway". I do not do to be seen of men, I do - therefore I show what I do to family far away firstly, then for my own sense of accomplishment. This is a blog or in the old term a web-log. I (like most blogs I see) like to receive comments. I do all that I do and still have time to make rounds and leave a comment, so if you have time to see my blog, you have time to leave a comment. My point is that NO ONE has time to read a blog and not leave a comment. that clear?

runningtothecross said...

Love the link!!! Ha, ha, ha... I do stop by here often, but don't often leave a comment due to the slowness of our internet, not dial-up but might as well be (satellite). It takes me so long to log on sometimes, I just don't log on.

Yes, life is BUSY, isn't it? Our homeschooling (5 as well, but might as well be 6 since 3 year old want to be involved) has picked up to full speed again and probably will be that way until the end of the school year whenever I decide that to be. I follow the schedule I posted loosely, but still follow it. Schooling until 3 is impossible so we stop between 3:30 & 4...then dinner, then clean-up, then children to bed, then get speed walker baby to sleep (the energizer bunny in fast motion), and the bed for me & hubby (if he isn't doing something late).

You know all those cleaning projects that us ladies like to plan late at night? IMPOSSIBLE!!! I fall asleep before I get to them.

Anyway, just wanted to let you know I'm reading, just having trouble waiting on the internet.


Anonymous said...

Thought I would say hi too. Might not be homeschooling but trying to keep up with a little one who is desperate to be mobile!!! and wants to know EVERYTHING now!!! But she is gorgous and a blessing. Also moving house so I can relate to the unpacking and packing part! Ok well off to the next job for the day....washing...